Topic № 17
Facilitation Skills for IT Professionals

What are skills of facilitation?

Facilitation skills are the abilities you use to provide opportunities and resources to a group of people that enable them to make progress and succeed. Some examples include being prepared, setting guidelines, being flexible, active listening and managing time.

What is effective facilitation?

Effective facilitation can be well-defined as the act of taking people through a group process with clearly defined outcomes. It also means encouraging participation and a group commitment to meaningful results.

What is an example of facilitation?

Facilitation can increase access to limiting resources such as light, water, and nutrients for interacting species. For example, epiphytic plants often receive more direct sunlight in the canopies of their host plants than they would on the ground.

Facilitation skills for facilitating the meeting:

1) Create an inclusive environment.
2) Communicate clear guidelines and instructions.
3) Group dynamics (and group management).
4) Empathy.
5) Active listening.
6) Verbal skills to facilitate conversations.
7) Conflict management.
8) Consensus-building.